Monday, December 24, 2012

Pink Bus Service: A Delhi rape-case initiative

Now with the Delhi Gang-rape case, the true condition of Indian women has been opened up to the world.
Unfortunately, neither is this rare nor does such incident occur only in isolation. Every day tens of thousands of females travel through buses and even if 1 percent of them face any kinds of molestation, the figure says that 10 out of every 1000 female travelling in Delhi alone are exposed to such hideous act. The US based organisation, One-In-Four, surveyed on this issue and shockingly 19%-28% of college going females report rape or attempted rape in several country (The unreported figure may be even higher!)

The present case in Delhi, not only calls for stricter laws but also new ways to prevent them from happening ever again, 'ergo the PINK BUS SERVICE: of the women, for the women, by the women.
As the name suggests, this would be an ONLY FEMALE bus service that would have female drivers and conductors.
• Assured safety
• Most importantly this would give a sense of belongingness to the females which lacks in our country right now.
• More economical than Cabs for individual.
• Fuel saving, which would in-turn save foreign currency.
• Eco-friendly as the number of vehicles on road will reduce
• Female employment generation
• Less pressure of traffic on roads

As being a law student, once every year me and my other college mates spend at least a month in Delhi and as a female I can vouch for it that, had such service been given earlier, the present case and many more could have been prevented. And I personally believe all the females and Honorable CM Sheila Dixit would comply to my sentiments. Although by taking this initiative Madam Dixit, your government may loose a little revenue but more importantly you will gain the confidence of females and win their hearts.
To promote such initiatives Government should give concession on road taxes and permit fees so as to ensure sustainability and viability to the operators. The concession may be 50% to even 100% but the bus fare for passengers should remain same as other bus services.

My Dad, who has travelled through the Delhi buses felt that the condition of women was so peculiar that he being a male felt there was a dire need or emergence for an only-female bus service and then HE came up with the idea of PINK BUS SERVICE. In his words, "vo mahilaye jo cabs afford kr sakti hain vo unse chali jati thi, even though it was a little costlier. But females from middle and lower-middle income group, unn badmashiyo ko bardasht krte huye apni aatma ko maar kr unn buses mein safar krti thi, inn harkato ko apni takdeer samajh Ke. Unhe anuchit sparsh aur bhadde ishare ko jhelna padta tha."

I'm sitting here writing this post only to ensure that his idea reaches the right people. I will personally do everything in my power to spread this and I hope every reader does the same.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

My precious

You know how there are some stupid people who never say i love you even they mean it from the bottom of their souls and wait for the awkward moment when you say i love you to them so they'd sarcastically reply 'aww!" Well, i'm one of those people. Not the awkward-i-love-you-er but the sarcastic-aww-er.

Why am I telling you that?
Because my sister recently got married. How recently? On 10th! The obvious part is I miss her. Not that we never stayed apart, she's been working for past 2 and half years and before that, before her college even started she was out for an year. And brother has been living away since he was in 10th std, ie when I was in 7th. (I'm the youngest btw) So, ya, I am familiar with the concept of separation, but I never really felt like I am away from her.

I am writing this down because:
1) She does not remember my blog, for obvious reason.
2) She'd never open it! Because she'd never expect I'd post about her.

Anyway, the important issue is that I had to say that I Love Her and I'd miss her, but I couldn't because well, its very awkward. And that I'd hate it if she gives anyone half the importance that I rightfully received.
She's funny, irritating, smart, delightful and all the senior citizens love her. Most of my qualities are because I'd see her do something awesome and try to copy (blogging being one of those)
And now that she's married, its like I've lost something very precious! My fav soft toy or something.!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Series of unfortunate events

Today was one of those days when nothing goes right. By nothing I mean even lying on your bed and doing nothing wont be working out properly! The beauty of such a day is that everything seems to exist only to tick you off.
Of all the time when you feel tired, this will be the only day when you'll have headache, stomach ache, back ache, cold and millions of those tiny sickness which never seems to be cured by millions of those tiny tablets.
And most importantly this day will always ALWAYS be during your exams :|
Kill. Me. Now!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Keep Faith

Every year when people start thinking about their New Year resolutions, I sit and recall the year passed to write up this post. Although the major reason for the rewind-and-replay is to understand how life treated me and I her. We all do this ones in a while, except New Year is my scheduled date with myself.
So, 2011, well, it's the year that changed my life. It's the year which changed me. I can't list the things I learnt or which I felt during the 365x24hr long class but I can highlight the important stuff.

For starters, I realized that life is gonna be full of immensely twisted problems. But the good part is the solution comes with it self, just hidden beneath!
There is a fair possibility that the person you trusted the most, wont really come out with such high colors. But yes, you'll always have alteast one person to count on. Always!
Out of 10 things that you planned, only 3 will work out exactly how you'd wanted to be. But yes, atleast 5 will be better than your expectations!
The term 'forever' is highly overrated. Then again forever for anything will be way too boring.
One point that I stick to is, 'as you sow, so shall you reap'. Goes for good as well as bad!

In all 2011 had been a pretty smooth flowing year. If I had to write the jest, it would be that everything works out for the best. As long as you're true to yourself nothing will really make you wanna kill yourself. The year taught me to believe. Believe in myself, believe in people I love and believe that whatever happens is for the best. The last year of my teenage taught me to keep faith because that is what counts the most.
So keep faith, keep smiling!


Friday, January 6, 2012

Why I did not like Don2

Don2, the big 150Cr box office bash, sequel to Don: The Chase Begins (2006) has been the most awaited movie of 2011. With the great stunts and 'close to Hollywood' cinematography Don2 has not only managed to be a super-hit but also achieved critical acclaim!
Now, why I didn't like the movie was the exact same reason why everyone else loved it. Quoting my mom, 'Shuru mein toh theek thi, but end mein that twist, changed my entire point of view!' Now wasn't that way too expected? I mean think of it, you're going to watch Don: a thriller about underworld, mafias and chase, won't the only thing certain be twists! So why make them that obvious? According to that movie nothing went wrong, everything was a 'twist' everything was planned to go wrong. And SRK played the role of God who could see through everything, everyone and knew exactly how things would turn out, down to last detail about reaction of policemen he hadn't even met!
That was way beyond what I could believe and digest.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

About Me

I've asked to myself
over and over again,
Who am I?
Where do I stand?
But the only answer I get is a screeching silence.

I am no someone,
you always wanted to meet.
I am no someone,
you'll ever wanna be.
But I am,
for sure,
the only Me.

My life's no simple,
MY thoughts ain't noble,
My deeds no scared,
yet I hope and wish and pray.

I remain
quiet in the crowd,
but speak to my loneliness.
Enjoy the unsaid words,
over the often exclaimed phrases.

I don't seek the
eternal glory,
nor the brightness of light;
I'm made of bone and muscle,
thus need some bread,
may be with some wine.

This is all
I think I know,
cause 'About Me' is a question,
still left
to be atoned.

Last Wish

The cool breeze blows
touches me like His invisible hands
Assuring the comfort to never end.

About to being is a new life
as the bud opens in the dim twilight
I hear the birds awakening the nature
and the stream flowing
with ever growing passion.

The dawn will break
with the suns bright
The rays falling forth upon my sight.
I leave my senses go
as the time swiftly crawls
I feel my spirit lifted to a land, yet, unknown.

I smile
with pride
remembering and watching
everything; which would forever
for-ever be left behind.

But no regrets I have
as I'm travelling to His care.
With one final tear I close my eyes.
Waiting for His invitation
for my home beyond the skies.

Lost Souls

No matter how much you try to run from and how much you plan on avoiding, you'll always bump into people you absolutely hate. The problem with hating someone is, you can't let yourself openly do it. There's always something redeemable inside you that either stops you from doing something evil (the kind they show in daily soaps) or makes you wanna be the bigger person and pretend that you just don't care enough to hate.

Issue being that at one point none works out.
Eventually in life we have to face these gems who have nothing good coming out of them. These are the beautiful creations of God, who won't just let you live your life without constant nudging. Its not difficult to pretend that someone who doesn't live around, doesn't share the workplace, doesn't have a close mutual friend circle is simply dead! But why take pains? Its so much more easier to bother them ever once in a while and make sure to be a total pain in the ass!
People life is small and unpredictable, why waste it on destroying someone you hate! Live your life how YOU personally want to.
Grow up a little, be happy with those who make you happy! Don't complicate things which are good left alone. The only important thing is why bother.!
There's do many thoughts in my head I can't seem to sync right now but I'm pretty sure they all mean the same thing that leave those people alone who want nothing to do with you. Why deteriorate yourself and why bring the same thing over and over again. Just end with it! 

If anyone, whom I have, either by words or by actions made it clear, that I simply from the bottom of my heart do NOT like you, is reading this post, please have the decency to just not bother knowing if I am alive or dead or if or not I am dating someone or I am married and have kids!! Because I don't do these things for you :)


Asking for a slutwalk : Deccan Chronicle

Respected all-those-who-give-a-fuck,
To set things right, you can never use the wrong way.

Mr. DGP you're asking for a slutwalk | Deccan Chronicle
