Wednesday, January 4, 2012

About Me

I've asked to myself
over and over again,
Who am I?
Where do I stand?
But the only answer I get is a screeching silence.

I am no someone,
you always wanted to meet.
I am no someone,
you'll ever wanna be.
But I am,
for sure,
the only Me.

My life's no simple,
MY thoughts ain't noble,
My deeds no scared,
yet I hope and wish and pray.

I remain
quiet in the crowd,
but speak to my loneliness.
Enjoy the unsaid words,
over the often exclaimed phrases.

I don't seek the
eternal glory,
nor the brightness of light;
I'm made of bone and muscle,
thus need some bread,
may be with some wine.

This is all
I think I know,
cause 'About Me' is a question,
still left
to be atoned.

1 comment:

  1. If awesome had stages, this was surely the last one :-)) *Respect*
