Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pieces of my puzZle..!

This is a dedication to al of them.. :)

Amit Bhimnani or as I like to call him Ummm-it . He is one of the guys who is always there for me.. I might not always be in touch with him, but he has a tendency to pop on the times when I need him the most. He is a total sweet heart and would rarely get offended by no matter how I treat him. He's like totally cool and never brags about it. He has a weird way of being a great friend and he's got no clue that I think so highly of him. Well, thats because I never let him...hehe.
He's got another weird thing that I simply love, 'Happy BirthDay' whenever I'm low or sad or just talking to him after long, he'd smile and say Happy BirhDay. I like it everytime, every single time it makes me feel better. Like I mentioned its weird, but I love it :)
My favorite thing about him is his height..when I first met him, I was all...whaaaattttt???? Ya he thinks its not a big deal and all..blah blah..but 'm like seriously into that. My sweetest buddy and a total flirt. For instance, how I came to know Amit, is through a call that was meant to be for my friend. And though we'd never heard about each other ever, we had a solid 20 mins conversation. Hmm..thats Amit.

Ambarish Dudey some one who never fails to support me. He would never think I could be wrong..but childishly stupid, pampered and arrogant. I think he's right :P I hate his name..although he thinks it's something to do with some God so its cool and all but whatever. Well, I'm still looking for a nick name for him. He calls me Minti *I-have-no-clue-why*, doesn't really bother me, the name's cool. Ambarish is the simplest person I've known and he is possibly the only person who's got zero complains from me. Everything that I do is eventually 'understand'able by him. He's sweet to the core and my life's 10,000+ problems are like turning into his favorite song that he has to listen over and over again, for the rest of life. When first I met him, it was on a railway station, wasn't much of a meeting though. Shockingly I've met him just once..and that date didn't go so well. Truly it ended terribly. But that kinda thing happens alot around me..For example Shrey Nigam.

Shrey..well..we've recently had a fight..so he wasn't so eager to hand his pic to me. We've known each other since 9th std..and we talked for the first time when..well there are two versions of how we started talking: HIS VERSION- according to him, he was singing In The End and I joined him then we talked; or MY VERSION-  according to me, he was singing In The End, wrong, and I corrected him then we talked. Well its obvious who's right. I haven't met him for over two years now and its great to see how we're still on so good terms, umm well if he starts talking to me again. I agree it's my mistake; I sort of lied to him, but it was required for then and please we're friends, right? So dude, if you ever read this, I AM SORRY. His nick name for me is insane :P which he totally is, apart from being a carefree jerk and most supporting moron :)

Finally, Tannya Brahme aka Honey, my bestest friend ever. She knows everything..EVERYTHING about me and my life. One hell of a great companion. She's amazingly sexy and another thing that only her close pals know is that she's very very emotional. At times she would cry seeing me cry and I would wonder what exactly is hurting her until I realized it was my pain that hurt her. She would always understand my weird talks and no matter how lame or pathetic or mostly, confusing they are. The only person who has self-proclaimed rights to shout at me when and where ever she wants to, or how-ever she wants to. The best part about her is that it takes a lot of strength to be mad at her; she has this weird charm or something. Whenever she does something I should be mad about or be ready to kill her, she'll just do something, I dunno what but something and so I never get a chance to be mad at her, let alone shout. Plus she doesnt let me be mad at anyone. She knows the secret of kicking my anger away..well its a secret yet hidden from me. When I first met her, I hated her. I thought she was arrogant and total show off like those 'plastic gals' And now when I think of it I realise that I wasn't so wrong after all.

I have realised that my friends have become such an integral part of my life that when in any problem and m alone, I imagine in my head what each of them whould be suggesting and I love every second of that insanity. My BFFs <3


  1. hey chani..nice blog :)

  2. thank you... :) :) :)
    I ddn noe you knew about my blog....thanks so much...


  4. its sooooo beautiful.....:)
    no words....
