Monday, December 6, 2010

The Year 2o1o

This year has been the most eye opening, restraining and crazy year of my life. I did and faced things I had never wanted or imagined to do. But the best thing so far was how life changing it all proved to be. Well life is a hard teacher: Test first, lessons later.
These are few of the things I learnt. I’m posting ‘em here, so that if no one else, then at least I remember what’s important:
Ø  If they don’t do sorry, you don’t do social service either.
Ø  If you do Good, good happens to you.
Ø  If you do Bad, well pay-backs a bitch.
Ø  Always in tough times, there will be one friend who’ll stand oblivious to anything said against you. And another friend who’ll ensure that the person speaking those words is burnt alive and buried half-dead.
Ø  There’s only one thing to do with BullShit, flush it!
Ø  Ever in doubt, go have a nice sleep.
Ø  Accept your mistakes only when you ARE sorry.
Ø  It’s important you advertise your sorry (when you are sorry), in front of those who matter.
Ø  The more you worry, the more you eat.
Ø  Don’t let your best friend be your mum; she’ll start scolding you otherwise.
Ø  It doesn’t matter what some 20 people on the face of the earth think about you. Avoid! And please, stop justifying yourself to them.
Ø  If you know you are right, stay with it.
Ø  Saying what’s on your mind is NOT arguing.
Ø  Face book is a big-time stupid idiot.
Ø  Every relationship has an expiration date.
Ø  The process of cleansing is bloody painful, so you might just wanna get it over with.
Ø  Memories are important; they are the intangible examples of good times and great mistakes.
Ø  Life always gives you second chances.
Ø  If someone’s done something nice, appreciate it. It’s encouraging.
Ø  No matter what, at the end of all, your family will be with you.
Ø  Siblings are the biggest supporters in life. And the biggest comforters.
Ø  Nothing is more awakening than a slap.
Ø  A little bit of jealousy is a good thing. Concentrate on the words ‘little bit’.
Ø  It takes lot of courage to forgive. Revenge is bittersweet.  But as dramatic as it sounds, it always helps to let go.
Ø  Never hold back a ‘thank you’. Neither grudges (you never know who might rise from death).
Ø   Just stick to what’s important, rest is BullShit. And there’s only one thing to do with BS...
Ø  Just because you dated someone, doesn’t mean you can’t be friends.
Ø  Oh! There’s a different between ‘dating’ and ‘committed’.
Ø  Enemy is a state of mind.
Ø  Wait a while before you trust. And never break one. Because that makes it impossible for trusting again.
Ø  Love is way more than romantically falling for someone of the opposite sex.
Ø  Life is beautiful; you just need the right people to see it.


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