Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Why do we write?

I remember going for a day out with my family. We didn't decide a place but it was to be somewhere calm and quiet where we can all sit and eat and enjoy. Around 25 km out of Raipur ( capital of Chattisgarh ) we were on road to a place I still don't know. It was the simplest place I ever visited. Open road covered with high trees on both ends and sunlight trying to penetrate through the thick leaves-covered branches. Lush green fields all around till where the eyes could go. The grass on the roadside was such that it gave you a feeling like you know it's the softest thing you'd ever step foot on.
And all I wanted to do was sit and write. With the open fields moving out of my window I could see myself sitting with my guitar beside and a pen in my hand. I wanted to describe it so beautifully that visiting the place becomes an understatement. I had a smile on my face all the while. The songs played on my ear pieces continuously but I could hardly understand 'em, I was secretly glad that i couldn't hear a word what anyone in the car was saying and later I realised I didn't miss it.
Dad had the A.C. on but seeing how indulged they were in talking I quietly lowered the window glass. And like the fresh cold water, the air splashed my face. It became hard to take the first breath but the moment it touched my insides, I swear to God I lost the track of surroundings, for a while I was cold then quiet and finally relaxed. I never felt so close to myself before.
We finally stopped in the middle of no where. It felt to be the kind of place where I belonged. The more I looked around, more words flushed into my mind. I could have done anything for a pen at that moment. Not many would consider it a sane reaction but I believed there are some who would.
Then I realised why I have a blog that I haven't told many about, but still update often. Because I love to write, I love how in 26 letters of the language you can fit everything. At times it becomes so difficult to say certain things out loud but writing takes all emotions out, one at a time. And the best example for this is cell phones, I've always noticed when when you call someone its maximum for 20 mins but texting each other can go on for the entire day.Writing to me is simplest and most romantic way of doing something. I didn't want expert comments or advices or teachings on what I wrote. I did want to learn but all by myself.

So here I am with another post and another smile on my face and slight pride, although I know not many are gonna read this.
But perhaps, this is what makes it so special for me.

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