Friday, September 4, 2009


In the middle of night, I would wake up
breathing hard,
as the long seconds pass, I'd realise it was just a dream. The dream that always haunts me.
But I would never spend sleepless nights, if I didn't believe it could come true, I knew it would.
It did.
And I was shattered.
Yet, I still remember the nights I cried myself to sleep, just because you promised to kiss my tears away whenever they came out.
I waited.
Waited till my tears dried and I sank into sleep again,
without realising I'd see the same dream again and again.

The days, as they still, appeared as a eternity
and I hoped
time stopped at the moment I think of you.
I catch my breath when you pass by
hide my tears,
wave a hi.
You smile back at me, ask if I were alright.
I feel uttely glad that you did, though I know you never meant it.
With a flash, I smile, I bluntly lie.
I dug deep within myself to find all the courage needed to keep myself from saying, "I'm dying every second' and be another joke to you.

Now that I know we can only be in my dream together, where u say, "We can never be thogether." I'd see the dream always, just to see us together.
I'd still wait with tears in my eyes for sleep to come and startle me
because even in my dreams at times my heart skips a beat at your sight.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Stand Fot The I

'I' the 9th letter of English Alphabet, too strong a word in itself that it needs no company and too weak a letter that it customarily displays arrogance, ego and disdain.
Here in this post, I'm gonna discuss the topic "Stand for the 'I' " or in layman's language "Individuality".
James F. Cooper ones said, " All greatness of character depends on individuality. A man who has no other existence, than the one which he partakes in common with around him, will never have than an existence of mediocrity."
Big words huh!!
Let us talk about individuality in our day to day life. From the moment when we wink at the dawn to the dawdle dusky night, lets put our life under the kaleidoscope and understand the importance to stand for ourselves.
Just try to recall for a while, when was the last time you stood for yourself and it may be in any context, may be, for an unsolved question in the class to which only you knew the possible logic, that no one believed could be possible or for an idea that you created or anything that you think is your original plan and you let others know about it.
The kind of energy that it gives to our biological system is impeccable. Anything or Everythin can be perverted in this material world, except your Individual thoughts.
Individuality is a quantum of properties that includes your name, religion, origin, color, caste, creed, appearance and above all your individual thoughts.
Individuality is also a reflection of our likes and dislikes that we develop since childhood.
We live in a society where everyone expects us to be at par with each other. Any show of difference be it -ve or +ve is thrashed and discarded at very first stage.
But, if you're a strong contender and know yourself well, stay stiff to resist all hurdles. Let there be no day when you stand in front of mirror and miss yourself in the reflection.

In this end just to sum up:
Be daring, be different, be practical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of common place, the slaves of ordinary, the one who always lacked their individuality...



Friendship isn't matured
but childish and sweet.
Its not about the right decision,
but loving the wrong ones.
Its not jealous
or imposing,
its something that we choose from the bottom of our hearts
and stand-by for ever.
Its not about the million we meet but
about the ones we accidentally crash into,
the one we Love.
Its about you and me,
about purity and truth.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Meeting Myself

Drowning in my inner self,
I've awaken to a new world,
the one I always wanted, the one I never got.

Here lies my happiness,
my reason to smile,
I persuied my bliss, long after it died.

I've left my fears behind,
far behind to trail me back,
I stand here with confidence, that I thought I lacked.

I've shattered the perm of failure,
I look forward to success,
with self ignited light, that i dearly caress.

I've explored myself right here,
found the true me,
have learnt the meaning of life and the reason to cherish it.

Drowning in my inner self,
I've awaken to my world,
the one where I met myself, the one I'd never leave again.

Miss You

i open my eyes
but its still there
that dream from my sleep..
turned into a nightmare..
it persists and scares my hollow soul..
makes the breathing lose its rhythmic tone! ! !
I see those images
the collage of my dreams
which haunts me now
right till my heart bleeds

Losing the strength
I keep my eyes shut..
punishing my self, of crimes I haven't done
by staying alive
alone! ! !
I seek courage
for the next breath
I shiver
I scream
I realize there is nobody to hear me
in my own mind
I'm trapped forever

I see losing you
and for ever you're gone

I open my eyes
and wish there was nothing to see
because my dream persists and you're no where around me

To Begin with

hmm....well...1st blog for Cipher
a hi would do for now..i guess..
