Thursday, August 20, 2009

Miss You

i open my eyes
but its still there
that dream from my sleep..
turned into a nightmare..
it persists and scares my hollow soul..
makes the breathing lose its rhythmic tone! ! !
I see those images
the collage of my dreams
which haunts me now
right till my heart bleeds

Losing the strength
I keep my eyes shut..
punishing my self, of crimes I haven't done
by staying alive
alone! ! !
I seek courage
for the next breath
I shiver
I scream
I realize there is nobody to hear me
in my own mind
I'm trapped forever

I see losing you
and for ever you're gone

I open my eyes
and wish there was nothing to see
because my dream persists and you're no where around me


  1. This one is good,pain is palpable.Only thing you must avoid is using this sms language, somehow it takes away the emotions from poem
