Friday, January 6, 2012

Why I did not like Don2

Don2, the big 150Cr box office bash, sequel to Don: The Chase Begins (2006) has been the most awaited movie of 2011. With the great stunts and 'close to Hollywood' cinematography Don2 has not only managed to be a super-hit but also achieved critical acclaim!
Now, why I didn't like the movie was the exact same reason why everyone else loved it. Quoting my mom, 'Shuru mein toh theek thi, but end mein that twist, changed my entire point of view!' Now wasn't that way too expected? I mean think of it, you're going to watch Don: a thriller about underworld, mafias and chase, won't the only thing certain be twists! So why make them that obvious? According to that movie nothing went wrong, everything was a 'twist' everything was planned to go wrong. And SRK played the role of God who could see through everything, everyone and knew exactly how things would turn out, down to last detail about reaction of policemen he hadn't even met!
That was way beyond what I could believe and digest.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

About Me

I've asked to myself
over and over again,
Who am I?
Where do I stand?
But the only answer I get is a screeching silence.

I am no someone,
you always wanted to meet.
I am no someone,
you'll ever wanna be.
But I am,
for sure,
the only Me.

My life's no simple,
MY thoughts ain't noble,
My deeds no scared,
yet I hope and wish and pray.

I remain
quiet in the crowd,
but speak to my loneliness.
Enjoy the unsaid words,
over the often exclaimed phrases.

I don't seek the
eternal glory,
nor the brightness of light;
I'm made of bone and muscle,
thus need some bread,
may be with some wine.

This is all
I think I know,
cause 'About Me' is a question,
still left
to be atoned.

Last Wish

The cool breeze blows
touches me like His invisible hands
Assuring the comfort to never end.

About to being is a new life
as the bud opens in the dim twilight
I hear the birds awakening the nature
and the stream flowing
with ever growing passion.

The dawn will break
with the suns bright
The rays falling forth upon my sight.
I leave my senses go
as the time swiftly crawls
I feel my spirit lifted to a land, yet, unknown.

I smile
with pride
remembering and watching
everything; which would forever
for-ever be left behind.

But no regrets I have
as I'm travelling to His care.
With one final tear I close my eyes.
Waiting for His invitation
for my home beyond the skies.

Lost Souls

No matter how much you try to run from and how much you plan on avoiding, you'll always bump into people you absolutely hate. The problem with hating someone is, you can't let yourself openly do it. There's always something redeemable inside you that either stops you from doing something evil (the kind they show in daily soaps) or makes you wanna be the bigger person and pretend that you just don't care enough to hate.

Issue being that at one point none works out.
Eventually in life we have to face these gems who have nothing good coming out of them. These are the beautiful creations of God, who won't just let you live your life without constant nudging. Its not difficult to pretend that someone who doesn't live around, doesn't share the workplace, doesn't have a close mutual friend circle is simply dead! But why take pains? Its so much more easier to bother them ever once in a while and make sure to be a total pain in the ass!
People life is small and unpredictable, why waste it on destroying someone you hate! Live your life how YOU personally want to.
Grow up a little, be happy with those who make you happy! Don't complicate things which are good left alone. The only important thing is why bother.!
There's do many thoughts in my head I can't seem to sync right now but I'm pretty sure they all mean the same thing that leave those people alone who want nothing to do with you. Why deteriorate yourself and why bring the same thing over and over again. Just end with it! 

If anyone, whom I have, either by words or by actions made it clear, that I simply from the bottom of my heart do NOT like you, is reading this post, please have the decency to just not bother knowing if I am alive or dead or if or not I am dating someone or I am married and have kids!! Because I don't do these things for you :)


Asking for a slutwalk : Deccan Chronicle

Respected all-those-who-give-a-fuck,
To set things right, you can never use the wrong way.

Mr. DGP you're asking for a slutwalk | Deccan Chronicle
