Thursday, September 29, 2011

Psychopaths and Mystery Writer

Have you ever watched Castle? Its a detective series. The lead character 'Richard Castle' a writer, shadows NYPD's detective Kate Beckett for his next novel and eventually they form an amazing partnership.
So, well, I absolutely love this show! Its mystery, fun, flirt, romance, tension; in all a perfect blend of everything. Now, after watching and re-watching the the first 3 seasons, I have certain observations about the show.

Disclaimer: These, if you haven't observed already, might totally change your perspective towards the show
Anyway, tada!

1) There are loads of innovative ways to get killed.
2) Like the fatality move in Mortal Kombat ('m an xbox freak :D) your body will always end up in, lets say pizza oven or frozen by liquid Nitrogen or hung upside from a fire-escape or I don't know, be a li'l creative!
3) The killer will always, ALWAYS be some one you knew closely and trusted enough to let in, in your house without any struggle.
4) The cops will suspect EVERY SINGLE PERSON who ever smiled at you.
5) Everyone you know will have a motive to kill you.
6) Everyone, even being innocent, will lie.
7) You might wanna thanks Alexis (Castle's daughter) because there is a 40% possibilty that the killer was caught because of some random shit that she said.
8) The killer will NOT be anyone who was suspected.
9) Killer will be caught only when Castle and Beckett have an ephipany, sitting at two different places, but at the same time, that'll be some 5mins before the show's about to end.
10) Also there are two super-powered guys in the show, Ryan and Javier. Why? Because they do the trickest jobs in the simplest way. So their job is to find stuff, what secret the victim has been keeping for months from the rest of the world? Who's who? Stolen stuff, hidden identities, everything.! And how long does it take them to uncover it? One shot of fight between Castle and Beckett; and they're good to go.
11) There is NEVER any kind of media disturbance, because your death is just not important enough!


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