Sunday, May 29, 2011

Year Drop

Today, 28th May 2011, is possibly the most important day for my life ahead.
To understand that, lets rewind.
I passed my 12th with commerce background and I was possibly the worst commerce student ever. Because my heart was always with Law. And no, I'm not exaggerating, its as true as dramatic it sounds. So, after preparing for 1 year for CLAT (Common Law Aptitude Test), I got sick, bad, a week before my exam, to be hospitalized immediately and operated on THE day. And being as arrogant as I've always been, I hadn't appeared for any other exam.
The only option was an year drop. Which at the beginning was boring as hell and torturous and discouraging.
Its not easy seeing all your friends starting new life, hating their college, abusing their mess; while all you do is nothing. If there was one advice I'd share was, never take an year drop, never.!
But then eventually you pull yourself together and as slow as possible, you start studying. So did I :)
This past one year was devastating, delusional and somehow still the most fruitful year of my life. I learnt guitar, one thing that had always attracted me, but I never really had time to pick up. I started blogging again, made my blog l'il attractive, although never publicized it enough (not even yet). I went to Indonesia, celebrated my parents 25th wedding anniversary and made a great friend, by far my greatest asset.
And by the end I was happy, way more than happy. I did everything I'd have wanted to do. The only thing left was CLAT.
So I studied, did my part and the exam somehow went well. It was to decide my college life, which for various reasons was going to change my life and not only in a career oriented way. You see, all my life I'd wanted to settle in Bangalore, starting with college, but the way last year turned out, all I wanted was to stick around the people I love. It would have never happened had I not being around the most wonderful people in the world

So, If I was to thank one person for everything I've achieved, I would keep my mouth shut. Because everyone close to me has been so supportive that leaving anyone out would be unfair.
I'd thank dad, for every 1 hour embarrassing you-are-not-studying-enough speeches.
I'd thank mom, for every 5min comforting words after dad's speeches.
NJ & Simmi, for simply bearing me.
Honey, for constantly scaring me regarding the no. of seats and blah blah.
Ashu, for giving me the time to study and not disturbing when I was studying.

I would have never suggested a year drop had I not being the position I am right now, but from this end it doesn't seem so bad :)
And in all this, why was 28 may so important? Because today I was assured my wish has come true. Of course I mean by the result, which wasn't so bad either ;)


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Code of Chatting

Some how, mostly internet has narrowed down to one thing and one thing alone : Chatting. Its addictive, relaxing, informative (if gossiping is your forte) and fun, so I heard. Personally I've never been a fan of chatting. Its lethargic, methodical and in various small and frequent doses, awkward.
I always wished there was this written down 'Code of Conduct' for chatting and since I didn't want one from someone else, here is my version of it.

  • Don't start with 'wassup'. Seriously, its so irritating. 'wassup?? wassup??' You wanna know what is up? ITS THE CEILING. Just raise your head and check it.!
  • If someone starts with 'wassup' please don't say ceiling, its just rude.
  • Don't use capital letter, WHEN YOU USE CAPS IT MAKES THE READER FEEL LIKE YOU ARE SHOUTING, unless you are shouting, then you're good to go.
  • Wanna kill a chat? Just walk away, don't reply 'hmm' to every question. Its makes the other person wanna kill you.
  • Just because you're a girl doesn't mean you have to wait for the guy to pop first. Its a l'il lame.
  • Excess use of smiley is weird (trust me). Then again, plain words won't help expressing your tone correctly (mostly with being sarcastic).
  • Don't get way too personal way too quick. Asking about the relationship status in the first convo is avoidable, so may be you'd wanna avoid it. Especially if you're talking to a person of opposite sex (which, lets face it, is always the case).
  • Flirting is not banned. But make sure you've reached that comfort level first. Otherwise its just desperate and sad :p
  • Its gonna sound totally unlikely me, but yes, small talks can do wonders.
  • Again, if the person's trying for small talks, reciprocate.
  • And ya, its 'lol' not lolzzz or lolllll and its definitely not lollaa.
  • If you are a person like me, who'd tend to get knocked down when people try to be nice and friendly through chatting, just stay offline. It sure helps.

Finally, in a slightly unrelated note, never send a private message like 'please add me' NEVER.