Sunday, February 26, 2012

Series of unfortunate events

Today was one of those days when nothing goes right. By nothing I mean even lying on your bed and doing nothing wont be working out properly! The beauty of such a day is that everything seems to exist only to tick you off.
Of all the time when you feel tired, this will be the only day when you'll have headache, stomach ache, back ache, cold and millions of those tiny sickness which never seems to be cured by millions of those tiny tablets.
And most importantly this day will always ALWAYS be during your exams :|
Kill. Me. Now!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Keep Faith

Every year when people start thinking about their New Year resolutions, I sit and recall the year passed to write up this post. Although the major reason for the rewind-and-replay is to understand how life treated me and I her. We all do this ones in a while, except New Year is my scheduled date with myself.
So, 2011, well, it's the year that changed my life. It's the year which changed me. I can't list the things I learnt or which I felt during the 365x24hr long class but I can highlight the important stuff.

For starters, I realized that life is gonna be full of immensely twisted problems. But the good part is the solution comes with it self, just hidden beneath!
There is a fair possibility that the person you trusted the most, wont really come out with such high colors. But yes, you'll always have alteast one person to count on. Always!
Out of 10 things that you planned, only 3 will work out exactly how you'd wanted to be. But yes, atleast 5 will be better than your expectations!
The term 'forever' is highly overrated. Then again forever for anything will be way too boring.
One point that I stick to is, 'as you sow, so shall you reap'. Goes for good as well as bad!

In all 2011 had been a pretty smooth flowing year. If I had to write the jest, it would be that everything works out for the best. As long as you're true to yourself nothing will really make you wanna kill yourself. The year taught me to believe. Believe in myself, believe in people I love and believe that whatever happens is for the best. The last year of my teenage taught me to keep faith because that is what counts the most.
So keep faith, keep smiling!
